CID Joins the Federation

As many of you already know, we encountered a few difficulties in 2022 which caused a degree of inconvenience for our members and the company in general. Whilst we overcame these unexpected difficulties due to the amazing support we received from our members, it nevertheless, involved a good deal of hard work by our team.

In recognition of what occurred and of our desire to ensure that we do everything we can to meet, exceed and protect the expectations of our membership, Caravan ID Limited has joined the Federation of Small Business (FSB).

It is the FSB’s mission to help smaller businesses achieve their ambitions, which means that they offer their members a wide range of vital business services including advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice heard in government.

We are very proud to be members of the FSB and are sure that being  so will ultimately help our own business and our membership. If you want to know more about the FSB please use the following link:

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31 March 2024

Recovery is not the focus here!

Preventing theft should be the goal; waiting for recovery is like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. Caravan and motorhome theft rose by 14% in 2022, and the numbers keep climbing. Shockingly, less than 22% of stolen vehicles are ever found. That’s a serious issue, isn’t it? Many stolen vehicles may be […]...


2 October 2023

Don’t let this happen to you.

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11 September 2023

Caravan ID is in Practical Caravan Magazine!

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