Growing and Changing For The Future

Given the number of questions we’ve received lately, it’s clear that many of you have noticed the changes happening here at CaravanID Ltd. So, in an attempt to answer as many of these as we can, we’ve put this short blog together to give you an overview of what we’ve been doing and what we’ve got planned for the future.

Back in July 2022 we decided to change CaravanID from what was essentially a hobby into a fully functional business. We appointed a Managing Director, tasked with the objective of growing the business and developing new and innovative ways to more properly serve our community. We therefore welcomed the appointment of Stuart Capstick into the new role back in July 2022, feel free to contact him with any questions or comments via email:

Although we’ve continued to grow our membership, our focus throughout 2022 was to review the business and take the steps necessary to secure its long-term future. Of course, change of any kind tends to attract the odd challenge or two and as many of you know, we’ve had our fair share of challenges lately! Despite this, we pressed on with our plans and commissioned a brand-new website, boasting an up to date, more contemporary look and feel, and introducing several new features, with much more planned for the future.

Our challenges increased a little when one of our team resigned, taking with him our domain name. This prevented us from using the domain name, so we registered a new one and, as we owned and operated the website and all its associated data, we transferred our operation to the new domain, allowing us – despite unexpected interference – to maintain as much access to, and contact with, our customers and members as possible.

Without doubt the situation wasn’t perfect, but we did the best we could, and we are truly grateful for the patience and understanding shown by you all. In fact, we’d like to give a particular shout out to Bob Earnshaw and Martin Neale for the support and understanding they’ve given.

One of the major challenges was the forced ‘closure’ of our shop, which stopped us from providing decals and other bespoke items. We’ve resolved this matter and have taken additional steps to ensure this kind of thing doesn’t happen again.

Staying with the topic of decals and understanding the issues with regard to the domain name change with existing decals, we originally planned to issue new decals, though after consultation with various members, we propose the following:

For those members unable or unwilling to remove existing decals we will issue new QR code decals for inside the windows and/or to be placed at human height around the van. These will direct the looker /scanner straight to your profile online showing the status of the caravan as usual.

For those willing to remove existing decals, we will issue you with replacement decals.

If you would like to take either of the above options, please just let us know and email us on

So, we’ve started 2023 in a much stronger place and have taken steps to protect ourselves and our membership from the unexpected (see our other blog).  As a team dedicated to the future and security of and its community, we have been very busy with detailed strategy and planning meetings which have resulting in many new advances including:

  • We have promoted Jan to the role of Commercial Director for the business, formalising the important role she has held since the company was founded; busily working away in the background and working hard for our community ever since.
  • We have new features on the website to expand the community – press release coming soon.
  • We will have a shop that offering products of interest to our community.
  • We have a marketing and advertising budget allocated for all public media, magazines and social media platforms.
  • We will introduce a member’s forum/hub

In fact, we will be listening very carefully to what you – our members – have to say about what products and services you would like to see. In short, we’ll work with you to deliver the peace of mind you need when protecting your leisure vehicle.

Without doubt we will overcome the remaining fallout from the events of the latter part of 2022 but rest assured that we are well aware of the often-used quote ‘we don’t grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges’.


Thank you again for your incredible patience and support

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