ID cards, NFC tags, Dots and All things QR

Many of you will have noticed the absence of ID cards, NFC tags and QR codes from our website store. This is only a temporary absence, and all items will be back soon. It’s a direct result of the many changes we’ve been making at Caravan ID and we just have a few remaining technical issues to resolve and the full set of Caravan ID products will hit the store.

On that note, we have some amazing new products to introduce soon, which will not only help you to protect your valuable leisure vehicle, but will do so in a modern, virtual way as well as offering a lot of additional features designed to maximise the benefit of being a Caravan ID member. Keep a look out for our range of ‘myID’ products and services – they’ll be here very soon.

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31 March 2024

Recovery is not the focus here!

Preventing theft should be the goal; waiting for recovery is like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. Caravan and motorhome theft rose by 14% in 2022, and the numbers keep climbing. Shockingly, less than 22% of stolen vehicles are ever found. That’s a serious issue, isn’t it? Many stolen vehicles may be […]...


2 October 2023

Don’t let this happen to you.

I recently saw a photograph on social media from Stolen Caravans UK. The issue shown could have been resolved instantly if the van owner was a Caravan ID member and had applied its unique decals. A simple search would have shown where the van should be and what vehicle should tow it. The search could […]...


11 September 2023

Caravan ID is in Practical Caravan Magazine!

As part of our drive to introduce the Caravan ID concept to as many leisure vehicle owners as possible, we’re advertising in the September 2023 issue of Practical Caravan magazine. This month the magazine is published to compliment the NEC Caravan show and we’re really excited about it, particularly as this is our first print […]...