The Trouble with Free?

Everyone’s seen ad’s offering FREE products and services which we tend to ignore, considering them as something either not worth having (because it’s free) or maybe we think it’s a scam. Sometimes though, the free offer is genuine and really could be of great assistance….

……That’s where Caravan ID comes in – we’re FREE and proud of it, we’re not a scam, nor do we offer substandard services; we provide a much needed, genuine service to help owners of caravans, RV’s, motorhomes and campers to protect their valuable property by  harnessing the power of the community, backed up by law enforcement.

Our service was the first of its kind to obtain Secured by Design status, which demonstrates to potential members that our service is based on robust technology and processes designed to deliver what vehicle owners want most – peace of mind.

Better still, at Caravan ID we not only provide the benefits of membership, but we can also help to make your van less attractive to criminals and make it stand out from the crowd. To do this, we offer a range of modern, contemporary decals designed to allow you to individualise your vehicle whilst avoiding it looking like something you’ve a hired or potentially ruining the overall look of your pride and joy.

Importantly though, membership of our scheme is one thing, but to really make it count and to maximise the security potential it provides, you should consider one or more of our decals.

Think about it –  when looking for a vehicle to steal, crooks are much more likely to give your vehicle a miss if it’s individualised, particularly if it’s displaying our decals. Crooks know that our service  operates throughout the UK and Europe and is accessible to every police force, so just as they would when seeing a burglar alarm on your home, they’ll move on to  a less protected vehicle.

And should you have the misfortune of having your vehicle stolen, the presence of our decals on your vehicle will make it much easier to identify. All it takes is a quick look-up of your decal number via our website.

Take a look at our shop to see our range of decals and other products and services designed to make your vehicle stand out from the crowd.

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